Editing the In-Market Period

By entering the start and end date of an activityClosed Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales., you define its in-market dates. Over this period the timeline is displayed in the calendar. You can edit the in-market periodClosed The specific timeframe during which a marketing activity or campaign is active and being executed in the market. It is defined by a start date and an end date, and is used to plan and track the duration of marketing efforts. either in the Details panel or in the Timeline view.

To edit the in-market period in the Details panel, click the name or the timeline and edit the In-market date attribute on the Details tab in the Details panel. For more information see Editing an Activity.

Additionally, you can edit the timeline directly in the Timeline viewClosed A visual representation of activities on a calendar, showing their in-market periods..