Finetuning Estimated Costs
The Estimated Cost The initial estimate of how much an activity will cost, recorded at the beginning of planning. feature can be used for top-down as well as bottom-up planning:
In a top-down scenario, enter your estimate for the top level activities at an early stage. Later, when the tactics are created, you distribute the values to the next level of the planning hierarchy
The organizational structure of folders, sub-folders and investment plans in Spend..
In a bottom-up use case, enter the estimated costs for children activities first. The total suggested by children's activities is shown as Estimated Roll-up
An aggregation of data from lower levels of a hierarchy to higher levels. on the parent activity
Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales.. If the total suggested amount is reasonable, enter the Estimated Roll-up for this activity as Estimated Costs.
The goal is to have the Estimated Left amounts equal to zero for all activities. The most convenient way to do this is to edit the Estimated Costs in the Summary View. To edit the Estimated Costs field for an activity in the Summary view, double-click it and then adopt the value.