Deleting a Rule

Attention! Data Loss!

Deleting a rule cannot be reverted.


A rule can be deleted only if no activityClosed Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales. exists that uses that rule. If deleting a rule cannot be avoided, all existing activities using the rule must first be deleted. Before deleting activities, check if you might lose data that you need for reporting. If so, consider disabling the rules instead.

See Disabling an Activity Type.

  1. In side navigation, click Activities.

  2. In the Activities view, click .

  3. The settings for activity configuration are displayed.

  4. Click Rules in the menu on the left side.

  5. The Activity Rules Configuration page is displayed.

  6. Inline with the rule you want to disable, click Delete in the Action column.

You have deleted the rule.