Create Policy

  1. In side navigation, click Activities.

  2. In the Activities view, click .

  3. The settings for activityClosed Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales. configuration are displayed.

  4. Click Policies in the menu on the left side.

  5. The Policies page is displayed. Existing policies might be hidden within a dropdown.

  6. In the top right corner of the Policies dropdown, click Add Policy.

  7. The Add Policy dialog is opened.

  8. Enter a name.

  9. So that you or your colleagues can later understand the purpose and use of the policy: Enter a short and concise description of the policy.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Add statements to the policy:

    1. On the right side of the new policy's row, click the Plus icon.

    2. The Add Statements dialog is displayed.

    3. Select the statements you want to add to the policy by clicking its Plus icon. At the top of the list you will find the group statements, followed by the type statements. At the end of the list the Full Acccess to All activity types statement can be found. Select an item in the dropdown or enter a keyword to search the dropdown.

    4. Click outside the dialog to close it.

  12. Assign users or teams to the policy:

    1. On the left side of the policy's name, click the arrow.

    2. The policy's data and added statements are displayed.

    3. On the bottom right click Link user(s)/team(s).

    4. The Link User(s)/Team(s) dialog is displayed.

    5. In the dropdowns, select the teams and users you want to assign. If you do not see all teams or users directly, enter the name. The dropdowns will display possible matches.

    6. Click Link Users.

The Policies page is displayed. You have created a policy, added statements and assigned users. The users now have access to the hierarchyClosed The organizational structure of folders, sub-folders and investment plans in Spend. according to the statements.