Searching and Filtering Marketing Investments
Sheila manages a very extensive investment plan. There are different scenarios how she can restrict the display to the required line items or placeholders:
Searching Within the Investment Plan: In the search bar above the hierarchy Sheila enters a name or a line item ID. The line items displayed in the hierarchy are narrowed down to suitable matches by entering the first character.
Filtering by approval status allows Sheila to gain a quick understanding of approved spend, pending requests, and see the current status of marketing investments. This empowers Sheila to have a dynamic plan by allowing her to easily view areas that have been approved to move forward, and adjust areas that require change. See Filter by Approval Status
During forecasting, Sheila uses Scenario Tags. Scenario Tags allow Sheila to easily create and view different scenarios during planning to understand the impacts of a change in top-down allocation to the overall investment plan. When filtering by scenario Sheila reduces the displayed line items and placeholders in the hierarchy to those that match one (or several) scenarios.. See Filter by Scenarios
Sheila has entered details for each line item on the Details panel. She now wants to have the line items displayed not according to the hierarchy structure, but sorted according to these details, for example according to the assigned target group. She can do so with the Group By filter. See Pivot Investments by Details Panel Attribute
Sheila has created many marketing investments, but has not entered planned or anticipated expenditures for each marketing investment. To provide a clear view of investments that have associated values, Sheila uses the Show $0 Rows filter. If deactivated, all marketing investments are hidden that have no dollar value in any of the columns.
Sheila's marketing investments are linked to activities. If she wants see the amount already allocated to activities, she can activate the Show only activity linked items filter to the right of the Show $0 Rows filter.
As soon as the filter is applied the roll-up amount will be updated.