Manually Creating a Purchase Order (PO)

Sheila has received a quotation and would like to enter the amount into the system to compare the expected spend with the forecast spend. To do this, Sheila creates a PO.

  1. On the Investments tab, click the Panel icon in line with the marketing investments that you would like to add a PO to.

  2. On the Details panel, click the PO panel icon.

  3. Click the Add Purchase Order button.

  4. Note: If the Add Purchase Order button is greyed out, you do not have the correct permission to add POs. If you require updated permissions to add POs contact your System Administrator.

  5. On the PO Details page, decide whether you create a split PO (for more information see Splitting: One Purchase Order, Several Line Items). If you click Yes:

    1. Click Manage Split.

    2. The dialog Manage Split for PO is displayed. The list shows the source investment plan, source category and source line item you selected in step 1. 100 % of the PO are allocated to the line item.

    3. Click Add Location.

    4. Another table row is displayed.

    5. For the added row, select investment plan, category and line item in the respective columns.

    6. Repeat steps a to c for every split you need for this PO.

    7. Enter percentage for each split, but ensure your split percentages total exactly to 100%.

    8. Click Done.

  6. Enter PO Number to be able to identify the PO.

  7. Enter the PO Amount.

  8. Select whether you have to amortize the PO (for more information see Amortizing: One Purchase Order, Several Months):

    • If no, select Single Date, and enter the accrual date in PO Start Date. Proceed with step 8.

    • If yes, select Date Range, and enter the first accrual date in PO Start Date and the last accrual date in PO End Date

      1. Click Manage Amortization.

      2. The Manage Amortization for PO dialog is displayed.

      3. In case you amortize a split PO: select PO split in Manage for dropdown.

      4. The PO amount for the split is displayed next to Amount Remaining.

      5. Select:

        • In case the remaining amount is amortized equally during the amortization period: Click Amortize Equally.

        • In case you need to amortize unequally: Enter the respective monthly amounts in the fields under Amount Remaining.

      6. In case you amortize a split PO: repeat steps b and c for every split.

      7. If your amortization period extends into the new fiscal year, enter the rollover amount in the appropriate field. This amount will be transferred accordingly when creating the new fiscal year.

      8. Click Save.

  9. If applicable, enter other data like PO Vendor or PO Description.

  10. Click Create.

  11. The PO panel is displayed.

  12. Click X in the upper right corner.

The PO panel is closed. You have manually created a PO.