Managing Actuals
Once the money is to be paid, Sheila can enter the paid amount in the Actuals column, either manually or by an import. After creating the actuals Sheila sets the status of the Forecast cell to Occurred.

Whether you create actuals manually or import them depends on which process your company has chosen. The decision depends on many factors, such as whether the actual data is available in a third-party system and how much effort it takes to manually maintain the actuals. Contact your system administrator if you have any questions.
Important to know:
Editing an actual: You can always edit an actual in the same way, regardless of whether it is manually created or imported.
You can delete an imported actual under > Budget >
. A manually created actual can be deleted under > Investments > Details panel > Actuals panel. For details see Deleting Actuals.

Which data for actuals you need to manage is determined individually for your company. In any case, you should know the following attributes:
Amount: A mandatory field for actuals is Amount. Enter the total actual amount that applies to the line item.
Date: Enter the date of invoice. This date is used to assign the actual to a month.
As a rule, additional attributes are created for actuals. If you have any questions about the use of these fields, contact your administrator.