Importing Actuals

Sheila has received and accepted the ordered services. Corresponding invoices have been issued and have been processed by the responsible department. So that Sheila can now compare her forecast status with the actual spents, she creates the actuals in the system, not manually, but by importing them. See Creating Actuals by Importing.

The import should map most items to their corresponding line items. However, there can be some instances where actuals are not mapped for numerous reasons, such as an incorrect identifier, and are unassociated with the corresponding line item. In that case, Sheila must manually map the actuals to the correct line item. See Mapping Imported Actuals.

Sheila found out that an actual was assigned to the wrong line item during import. To correct this, she first needs to un-map the actual. Then Sheila can correct the mapping manually. See Un-Mapping Actuals.