Creating Actuals by Importing
Sheila has received and accepted the ordered services. Corresponding invoices have been issued and have been processed by the responsible department. So that Sheila can now compare her forecast status with the actual spents, she creates the actuals in the system, not manually, but by importing them.

First Row: Your first row must have headers. If there is a blank row you will be prompted to add the headers prior to import. Duplicate header names will not be accepted.
Rows: Empty rows will not be accepted and you will be prompted to delete them.
Columns: You can keep columns you don't want to import into your spreadsheet and ignore them during the mapping process, saving you time in prepping your sheet for import.
Date Formats: Choose one date column as your primary date column. This is the date format that you will use in reporting. If amortizing POs, start dates cannot be after end date.
Note: Uptempo recognizes these date variations. All date fields must follow the same format.
Month (1-12)
3/14/2021 18:25:16
2021/3/25 18:25:16
The date formats mm/dd/yr and dd/mm/yr enable Coupa imports.
Worksheets: The worksheet that you are importing MUST be your first tab in the workbook
Linked Spreadsheets: Linked spreadsheets in your file will cause an error, remove these before importing.
If there are linked spreadsheets within your file it will result in the upload screen cycling, please refresh your screen and log back in. -
Multi-select fields: The import recognizes Option, %, as one option in the multi-select field. Several options have to be separeted by ::. For example, you can enter in a multi-select column Brand Awareness, 50.0::Lead Generation, 50.0.
However, the multi-select field allocations must equal 100% otherwise the import will fail.
Note: Input options must match the multi-select field options exactly. Any variation in spelling, symbols, or otherwise will cause duplicate options to be created.

When importing data, the Excel file may contain duplicates. The import allows you to effectively handle the following situations:
You are sure that none of the records in the Excel file is a duplicate. This will be especially the case when you import the records for a period for the first time.
You know that the file contains or may contain duplicates. You then need to determine which fields are used to detect the duplicates, or whether all fields must match for records to be detected as duplicates.
If you know that the file contains duplicates and all fields are identical, then you can ignore these duplicates and leave the records in the system untouched.
If duplicates are detected based on selected fields, you can decide whether to ignore the data in the Excel file or to update the records in the system. To update is helpful when data like Amount changed externally and you want to adjust the data in the system accordingly.

On the Budget tab, click Import and select Actuals.
On the Import window, click the Import Location drop-down menu and select the folder, sub-folder or investment plan that you would like to import into.
Click Browse to choose the file to import.
If you have prepared a template, click the Choose import template drop-down menu to select your desired template for this import. For more information see Import Templates.
Click Next.
Assign Fields and match your spreadsheet column headers to the associated import fields by selecting from the drop-down list.
To allow a correct assignment to the month, select the used format of the date cell in the imported file.
Click Next.
Specify how the import will handle duplicates:
You are sure that none of the records in the Excel file is a duplicate. This will be especially the case when you import actuals for a period for the first time:
Select Allow duplicates.
The file will not be checked for duplicates. An actual will be created for every mapped record.
You want to replace records that are identical in some fields:
Select Match using specific spreadsheet field(s).
Select Replace existing items with matches.
On the right side, select the fields that the import will use to detect duplicates.
Duplicates are detected based on the fields selected in step c and replaced during import.
You want to filter the records that are identical in some fields and ignore them during import:
Select Match using specific spreadsheet field(s).
Deselect Replace existing items with matches.
On the right side, select the fields that the import will use to detect duplicates.
Duplicates are detected based on the fields selected in step c and ignored during import.
You want to filter the records that are identical in all fields and ignore them during import:
Select Match using all spreadsheet fields.
Data records in the file whose field values equal all assigned fields in the system will ignored during import.
Click Next.
Specify how to identify the line items for which the actuals are to be created:
In the Spreadsheet field, select the column in your file that identifies the line item.
In the Uptempo Field, specify with which attribute of the line item the matching takes place.
Use a regular expression to specify the rule according to which a mapping should take place. If you want the Spreadsheet and Uptempo fields to contain identical values, leave the default entry (.*). For more complex interrelationships note Mapping Rules.
Click Apply Unique Rule.
Switch to the Review Applied Rules tab.
Check how the rule was applied and if the line items were mapped correctly.
If the mapping is not correct, go to step 13 and repeat the line item identification.
Click the Action button and select Import from the drop-down sub-menu.
For more information on the Import and Save Template As option in the dropdown see Creating an Import Template. -
Check whether data was imported as you expected.
Click Done.
The Assign Fields step is displayed.
The Manage Duplicates step is displayed.
The Map Import Data step is displayed.
The rule is applied.
The data is imported. After import, the Review Import step is displayed.
You have created actuals via import. You can review which items in your spreadsheet were mapped, left unmapped, or considered duplicates by clicking the Import History icon on the Budget tab in line with the folder, sub-folder or investment plan that you imported into.