Approving Planning or Forecasting


The approval is an optional function. It may not be enabled at all in your company or it may be enabled only for a part of the investment plans. If you have any questions, please contact your system administrator.

In Sheila's company, planning is checked according to the 4-eyes principle. Sheila creates the marketing investments and enters the planned spents. After she has finished all edits, Sheila sends the planned spents for approval.

John, a colleague of Sheila's who is authorized to approve, sees Sheila's request on the Budget tab. The request is displayed in red in the Approvals column. John clicks on the red entry to open the edit interface. There, John decides on the request. He can approve, deny, or send the amount back for reprocessing.

After John has decided, Sheila can see his decisions in her acivity plan. Sheila must then rework the spends that have not been approved. Her goal is to get all the spends approved.

This process can also be used for forecasting.