Activity-Investment Connections Recorded in Audit Trail

When your users work with connections between activities and investments in Uptempo Spend (or Uptempo Plan), all of their actions related to these connections are now recorded in the Uptempo Spend Audit Trail. This means you can review a complete history of who made changes to activity-investment connections in your Uptempo instance, when the change happened, and what was changed.

Key Changes

  • In the Audit Trail, entries related to activity-investment connections are listed under the newly added area Activity Linked Item

  • The following events are recorded with separate entries in the Audit Trail:

    • Created Activity Linked Item: When a new connection is created between an activity and an investment ("linked").

    • Updated Activity Linked Item: When the allocation type on an existing connection between an activity and an investment is changed between manual and automatic.

    • Deleted Activity Linked Item: When an existing connection between an activity and an investment is deleted ("unlinked").

    • Updated amount: When an allocation amount is changed on an activity-investment connection that is set to manual allocation.

  • Each entry relating to the Activity Linked Item area also lists the name and IDs of the relevant activity and investment.