Quarterly Estimated Costs

You can now break down estimated costs by quarter instead of just as total amounts for a time period (e.g. annually), giving you greater flexibility in your budgeting process if you prefer more granular, quarterly planning.

Key Changes

This update enhances the precision of financial projections and provides better insights into cost distribution across different time periods:

  • You can now view and enter estimated costs on a quarterly basis.

  • We've added a setting that lets you switch between Total and Quarterly estimated costs views:

  • In the Activity Details > Budget tab, you can now enter costs for each quarter separately:

  • You can now set a date range for Estimated Costs in Analytics to show the correct quarters.


  • Align your planning more closely with common quarterly financial practices

  • Enhanced ability to forecast and allocate budgets throughout the year

  • Greater visibility into how costs are distributed across quarters