Bug Fixes: February 2025
To ensure that our users can benefit from bug fixes as soon as possible, we release bug fix updates to the Uptempo product frequently.
The following bug fixes have been released over the past four weeks, during the period of January 27 to February 21, 2025:
The validation for the total sum of percentage allocations on multi-select attributes is no longer inaccurate.
In cases where a dependent attribute and its controlling attribute both use the multi-select attribute type, the lists of options for both attributes no longer sometimes appear in the wrong order.
When you start to move an activity to a different part of the hierarchy by selecting a new parent (in the Parent list of the activity's Details tab), but then cancel the move, the new parent activity no longer remains selected in the Parent list on the Details tab. Instead, it correctly rolls back to the previously selected parent activity.
In the Summary View, the system will no longer display an error message when you select the Impact columns and then set a filter that doesn't return any activities.
If the Quarterly Estimated Costs feature is enabled, quarterly values will no longer re-appear after you attempt to delete them. Instead, deleted values will now be removed as expected.
The Impact Projection chart on the Details > Impact tab of an activity no longer displays an incorrect start date after you click Sync Activity.
For Estimated Costs values that use the Quarterly time granularity setting, certain decimal values (e.g. 0.3) will no longer cause incorrect total sums due to rounding errors.
Activity Configuration
When you delete an access control policy statement, the confirmation message popover no longer appears on all visible policy statements, and is instead shown only on the policy statement being deleted.
When you update an activity type but don't change its activity type group, the system no longer attempts to unnecessarily check if the assigned activity type group is valid. Instead, this validation now happens only in cases where the assigned activity type group has actually been changed.
When you try to assign an activity type to an activity type group that is incompatible due to an attribute conflict, the incompatible activity type group no longer remains selected in the Activity Type Group list, but instead correctly rolls back to the previously selected group.
The Activity Linked Item option is no longer missing from the Area list menu on the Budget section's audit trail.
When the investments list is filtered to show only investments that fund activities, new line items no longer fail to appear in the list after they are created.
Deselecting the option Show $0 rows on the investments list when the option Use default filter settings is also selected will no longer cause all of the currently selected filter options to be deselected.
Selecting both the Show $0 rows and Show activity linked items options on the investments list no longer causes investments without activity links to be included in the output from the Export Current view function.
The system will no longer incorrectly display a "view-only" icon in the Funding Panel on activities to which a user has full access, but which is set to Automatic Allocation.
When you connect an activity from an investment's Details Panel, the Select an activity to connect dialog no longer misleadingly displays the message "No Data" while the list of activities is still loading. Now, the loading spinner is shown until the activities list has finished loading.
Other Fixes
Generating GoodData project files in an account where Activities and Multi-Activity Funding are enabled, but no GoodData projects are configured yet, no longer results in an error. Instead, the GoodData project files will be generated as expected.
BI Exports
When you generate a report for Planned Impact, the Activity Measure export file is no longer missing data for the top-of-funnel stage (Stage 1, or Planned Inquiries by default), and data for the subsequent stages is no longer misattributed to the preceding stage in the funnel.