User Based Edit Template
Currently, asset types and their attributes are managed individually for each asset. This means that visibility and edit permissions for attributes are defined at the asset level, which we call the asset-based approach.
We're introducing an additional option for managing asset types, complementing our existing asset-based approach with a new user role-based control system. This enhancement provides enterprise customers with flexibility in choosing how they want to manage attribute visibility and editability.

Enterprise customers requested more efficient permission management
The current asset-based approach became complex to maintain in large organizations
Organizations need more consistent control over asset attribute access

When switching from decentralized asset types to per asset to user role-based control, you can configure attribute permissions based on user roles:
Set which roles can view each attribute
Define which roles can edit each attribute
This allows for more precise control over what users can see and modify.

The system automatically adjusts the interface:
When viewing assets, you'll only see attributes configured for your role
The edit dialog shows only the attributes you have permission to modify, providing a more consistent user experience

New optional user role-based system is available for enterprises requiring this approach
Asset types can now also be associated to user roles and no longer only to assets
Asset types maintain their current general behavior
Assets no longer store asset types in a fixed manner

Users can edit assets based on their viewing and editing permissions
Edit dialog interface is dynamically loaded based on:
User's role
Associated Asset Type permissions
User's access level

Granular control over asset management
Simplified permission management through role-based access
Improved scalability for large organizations and enhanced enterprise rediness
Attention: Irreversible Change
The configuration can not be reverted once you have migrated to the new role-based concept and replaced the previous asset-based approach.
Contact Uptempo, if you plan to make the change to the new user-focused option on how asset types can be managed. This is a hidden setting and requires our assistance.