Fusion UX Logic Widget
We introduce the new Fusion UX Logic widget to give you control over your web component application's user experience. This widget allows users with Manage Fusion Apps permissions in their Administrator role to directly manage and edit their Fusion UX components from the Home module dashboard.

Access and modify Fusion UX Logic components directly from your dashboard
Place multiple Fusion UX Logic widgets on a single board for flexible organization
Open the full component mapping modal to make comprehensive changes
Edit existing Fusion UX Logic widgets to update component mappings

Add the Fusion UX Logic widget from the widget collection when editing your Home dashboard.
Click the button to open the component mapping modal.
Make your desired changes to Fusion UX components.
Save your updates.
The widget's edit dialog displays a preview of the selected web component. This allows you to verify the correct function and display during configuration.
The Fusion UX Logic widget streamlines management of your application's user experience components. You can now make quick edits and updates without leaving your dashboard.
This feature is only available to users with Manage Fusion Apps permission. Contact your administrator if you need access.