Navigating Between Activities and Jobs
Seamless switch between activities in Plan module and jobs in Work module without losing context.

Open the job in the Jobs overview.
Make your changes to the data sheet if needed.
Click Save to commit your changes.
Click Go to activity.
The system opens the Details panel of the linked activity.
To sync your recent job changes to the activity:
Click the ... button at the bottom left of the panel.
Select Sync Activity.
The activity fields update with your recent job changes.

Find your target activity in the activity list.
Click the activity bar to open it.
Alternatively, click the activity row in summary view to open its Details pane.
Click Open Workflow in the top right corner.
The system:
Switches to the job module
Opens the linked job's data sheet
Displays current activity data in the job

Some fields in the job data sheet display activity data and are read-only:
These fields sync from the activity
You cannot edit them directly in the data sheet
Changes made to editable fields in the job sync back to the activity

The system maintains references between jobs and activities by:
Storing activity references when creating jobs
Displaying activity links on job detail pages
Enabling two-way data synchronization between linked items
This integration ensures:
Seamless navigation between related items
Consistent data across jobs and activities
Clear context during workflow management

In Workflow Modeler activate the Send Event Message checkbox to perform a synchronization with the selected payload variables in the direction of the activity.
Create a Send Task in the Workflow or select an existing one.
In the Send Task Properties, check the Send event message box.
The letter icon of the BPMN Send Task changes its appearance to . The icon serves to indicate all events that are synchronized with activities within the context of workflows.
In the Event drop-down menu, select all the variables that are to be sent to the linked Activity as payload variables for synchronization in this way.
You have established the connection to an activity in Plan. Activities that are configured accordingly can be synchronized with workflows from the Jobs module that are based on this type.