Dynamic Group Assignment in Workflows
You can now dynamically assign user tasks to groups within your BPMN workflows. This feature adds flexibility to your workflow management by allowing group assignments to be calculated during workflow execution, rather than being determined only at design time of the workflow. Previously you could only assign a fixed group during creation. With the User Group field, users can change the assigned group during the workflow.

The system introduces a new DSE variable type called user group. You can place this variable on any datasheet in your workflow. The variable can be configured with default groups and designated as a required field if users are required to select a group at a later stage.

When configuring user tasks in the BPMN Workflow Modeler, you have several options for group assignments. You can select multiple user groups for a single task and define default assignments to streamline common workflows. For critical workflow steps, you can make group selection mandatory to ensure proper task routing.

Tasks assigned to groups appear in the Picklist filter in Jobs overview or on Jobs Dashboard for easy access and management. Every member of the assigned group can see these tasks and claim them for processing. A task remains visible to all group members until someone claims it or it gets reassigned to a different group.

Add the User Group Variable:
Open your datasheet layout.
Add the User Group variable to your layout.
Configure BPMN User Tasks:
Open the BPMN Workflow Modeler.
Select a user task.
In the task Properties, enable Dynamic Group Assignment.
Link the task to the User Group variable.
Consider an approval workflow where different departments need to review documents:
The owner/creator starts the workflow.
They select the appropriate review group from the user group field.
When the workflow reaches the review task:
Once a task is assigned to a group, it remains visible to all group members until claimed. Group assignments can be changed during the workflow if needed.
The User Group variable can be used in multiple tasks within the same workflow. Default assignments can help streamline common workflow paths.