Flexible Creation of Sub-Jobs in BPMN Workflows
You can now create and manage sub-jobs at any point in a workflow without triggering status changes in the parent job. This update introduces a dedicated sub-jobs page in the process data sheet layout and improves the overall handling of complex processes.
This feature includes:
Separate new page for sub-jobs in the process data sheet layout:
More flexible process creation
Create sub-jobs at any workflow stage
Bulk create multiple sub-jobs
Simplified sub-job management
Access sub-jobs through a dedicated page in process data sheets
Creating sub-jobs independent of workflow status
Validations on deletion to prevent errors when deleting sub-jobs.
Clear presentation of sub-jobs: Differentiation between job and process sub-jobs in tables.

You can now configure sub-job creation options in the job type configuration:
Define which sub-jobs can be created manually or automatically
Configuration is similar to classic jobs