Owner-Centric Interface Updates
We've made several important improvements to the Review Manager to provide better clarity on roles, responsibilities, and review status. These updates will help you navigate the review process more efficiently.

With version 8.0 the review Owner is now prominently displayed in the header, replacing the previous Uploader information
This change highlights the key decision-maker and coordinator for each review
You can now easily identify who to contact with questions or concerns about the review
For reviews in New Version Requested status, you'll also see a New version due until date

The participant list now includes all key roles: Reviewers, Owners, Uploaders and Guests
This gives you a complete overview of everyone involved in the review

We've updated the icons and explanations in the participant list to better reflect user permissions:
❶The user can provide feedback on the review
❷The user can vote on the review
❸The user can request a new version
❹The user can approve and finish the review (Approve/Cancel)

When you @mention an owner in a comment, they won't be automatically added as a reviewer
This prevents confusion and duplicate notifications
These changes provide a more transparent and intuitive review process. You'll have a clearer understanding of who's leading each review, who's involved, and what actions they can take.