Review Manager Discontinuations

As of version 8.0, the ability to start a “simple review” (a review that not connected to a job workflow) is no longer available. Therefore, reviews in 8.0 must be started from within a job (in Job Manager). We are planning to deliver similar functionality to “simple reviews” in an upcoming version, by adding the ability to create standalone reviews that don’t require a connection to a job (or the Job Manager module). In the interim, we recommend setting up a simple job with minimal steps for the purpose of performing reviews as a workaround solution.

The former Act Like Owner permission (which was deprecated with version 7.3) allowed administrator users to view and edit all reviews, including reviews in which they were not a participant. To provide more granular access control and ensure review histories are properly tracked and attributed, this permission has been replaced with the Access all reviews permission.
The new permission allows users to access reviews in read-only mode only. This means that while users can view the reviews, they are unable to make any changes to them. To create similar functionality to the discontinued Act Like Owner permission, you can combine this new permission with the existing Manage participants permission: this gives users the ability to invite themselves to any review and make changes as a participant.

The function to send an email to all participants in a review with a single click is no longer available in version 8.0. However, you can still send emails to each participant in a review individually, and we are exploring ways to bring similar functionality back to Review Manager in a future update.