Edit a User Account

As an administrator, you can open any user account to make changes to that user's account information or settings.


Users who do not have administrator permissions can also make certain changes to their own accounts. For details, see View and Edit Your Own User Account.

To make changes to an existing user account, follow these steps:

  1. In Uptempo, click Administration > User List.

    The User List page opens.

  2. Find the user account you want to edit and click on it to view the account.

    A panel with the user's account details is displayed.

  3. Optional: Click Open Account to view the user's account details on a dedicated page (instead of in the panel).

  4. Click Edit Account to make changes to the user's account.

    The Edit Account dialog with the user's account settings is displayed.

  5. Use the attribute fields to make changes to the account as needed.

    • Click on the navigation tabs within the dialog to switch between the various settings areas.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

  7. To close the Edit Account dialog, click Cancel or press the esc key.

You have successfully edited a user account.