Edit Role

You have the permission Manage Roles.
A role has been created.
Click Administration > Permissions.
Click on the module whose role you want to edit.
Locate the role in the list.
Optional: Click the pencil icon to edit the role name and description.
Optional: Add permissions to a role.
Click + on the right side of the new role's row.
The Add permissions dialog is displayed. It lists all available rights for this module. It has a search box and an Add all button.
Add permission:
Locate all the permissions you want to add and click on their name.
Instead of picking one by one, first click Add all and then later remove the permissions that you do not want to add to the role.
Click the ⨯ icon to remove a right from the role.
Note: To access a module, you must at least add the Module Access permission.
Click outside the Add permissions dialog to close it and save your changes.
A success message is displayed.
Optional: To delete permissions, click × at the right end of the permission description in the role's permission list.
A success message is displayed.
You have edited the role.