Edit Role

  1. Click Administration > Permissions.

  2. Click on the module whose role you want to edit.

  3. Locate the role in the list.

  4. Optional: Click the pencil icon to edit the role name and description.

  5. Optional: Add permissions to a role.

    1. Click + on the right side of the new role's row.

      The Add permissions dialog is displayed. It lists all available rights for this module. It has a search box and an Add all button.

    2. Add permission:

      • Locate all the permissions you want to add and click on their name.

      • Instead of picking one by one, first click Add all and then later remove the permissions that you do not want to add to the role.

      • Click the ⨯ icon to remove a right from the role.

      Note: To access a module, you must at least add the Module Access permission.

    3. Click outside the Add permissions dialog to close it and save your changes.

    4. A success message is displayed.

  6. Optional: To delete permissions, click × at the right end of the permission description in the role's permission list.

  7. A success message is displayed.

You have edited the role.