As a result of improvements, corrections, or revisions, there may be several versions of an asset. You can use versions in the module Media Pool to map the successive or different conditions of an asset.

You can version an asset or version multiple assets automatically in mass versioning. Note the requirements for mass versioning in Versioning multiple assets simultaneously. There is no restriction on the number of versions.
When you create a version, only the preview images are regenerated and technical attributes such as the size and resolution are overwritten. Other attributes such as the asset name or tags are not changed.
The latest version of an asset is automatically the active version. For a version to become the official version, a user must flag it as official. There can only ever be one official version.
The file format of the asset must be approved for publication in order to mark a version as official. If you have any questions, please contact your system administrator.
You can only delete versions that are not flagged as official.
The asset attributes for the new version are transferred from the previous version. You can use the Edit Properties function to edit the attributes of the new version.
When you upload a new version, the system uses a unique cryptographic MD5 checksum verification of the file content to check whether this file is already in Media Pool.

When working with InDesign documents with linked images, you must note the following:
When a new version of the InDesign document is uploaded, any linked images are lost.
When a new image version is uploaded, the link references the original image version.

You can access the versions and their corresponding information in the detailed view. The versions are listed on the Versions tab. The newest version is at the top of the list. A preview image and the following information are displayed for each version:
Version: Version number
Creator: The user that uploaded the version
Upload date: Date and time at which the version was uploaded
Comment: The text that you saved as the version comment while uploading.
The icon indicates the official version.

You can use the following functions for versions: