You name and activate the levels that you need to build the tree structure. Each level name represents a possible planning element for the tree structure. You define the depth of the tree structure (up to a maximum of 20 levels) and the names of the levels.

You can set up your marketing plan from a number of different perspectives. For example, you can map a marketing plan using the following levels:
Level 1: Company
You can specify the name of the starting point for your marketing plan, for example, the company name. -
Level 2: Area
You can specify that the various company departments are to be mapped as the first level. -
Level 3: Project
You can specify that the projects are to be mapped as sub-elements of a department. -
Level 4: Medium
You can specify that a medium is to be mapped as a sub-element of the project. -
Level 5: Communication channel
You can specify that the communication channels of the medium are to be mapped as sub-elements. -
Level 6: Action
You can specify that each respective action or activity is to be mapped as a sub-element of the communication channel.

Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner > Settings > Calendar.
Activate the number of levels required to map your marketing plan in the structure that you want.
Note for efficient editing of the structure: -
If you activate the checkbox at the lowest required layer, all layers above it will be automatically activated.
If you activate the checkbox of the topmost layer that is not needed, all layers below it are automatically deactivated.
Enter the level names in the input fields.
Click Save.
You have set the basic structure of the element tree. The names of the activated layer names are displayed in the context menu when the user wants to insert an element on the same or the subordinate layer.