Finishing or Pausing Editing
If you finish customizing the document or want to continue editing the document later, choose Save and Close in the top right corner of the document editor.
If you cannot finalize your document yet, an exclamation mark is displayed next to the Close button.
In this case, Brand Template Builder has detected errors in the document:

Before the document is closed, the following issues are checked:
Mandatory variables: have all mandatory variables been filled in (text and image variables)?
Boxes with rules: does the entered content comply with the rules?
Text box with date: does the date format meet the provisions for the locale?
Number of pages: is the number of pages between the defined minimum and maximum numbers?
Divisibility of the number of pages: can the number of pages be divided up as specified?
Rotated boxes: do the rotated boxes comply with the permitted angles?
Document size: does the size of the document comply with the defined dimensions?
The results of the validation are displayed in a dialog box that opens.
If data is no longer up to date and you have configured the document template to check that data is up to date, a table with the changed data is also displayed. Choose which data is displayed in the document.
Choose Cancel to return to the document and resolve the errors. Choose Complete later if you want to save the document with the errors and resolve the errors at a later time.

If you have finished or paused document editing in the document editor, the document is displayed in the customizing wizard. If you now want to continue editing, follow the descriptions in the next chapters. If you also want to leave the customizing wizard, click one of the buttons below:
Close document: the document is saved with your changes with the status In Progress. If you want to continue editing the document later, search for and open it (see Open).
Close and delete: the document is closed and then deleted.
Attention! You cannot reverse the deletion.