Editing a Document

When editing a document, you change texts and images, specify the size, or define the document structure, for example.


When creating the template, the designer chooses which options are available to you while editing the document. The designer may allow very different editing options, depending on the template. As a result, not all of the editing options described in this chapter are available in each document. If you have questions or cannot access editing options, contact the designer.

In the Brand Template Builder module, you can create INDD documents (based on Adobe InDesign) and – if enabled in your system – HTML documents. The ways in which INDD and HTML documents are edited differ significantly. The sections below therefore describe the document editing steps for each separately.
See INDD Documents and HTML Documents.
The processes for refreshing the document preview and finishing or interrupting editing are described for both document types together (see Refreshing the Document Preview and Finishing or Pausing Editing).