If you are publishing a document in the Media Pool module, you create it as an asset. To do so, you must enter the required meta data for the asset. If you click the button Step 3 - Publish in Module Media Pool in the customizing wizard, the following dialog box is displayed:
Edit the fields. For a detailed description of the meta data, see the user manual for the Media Pool module (see Additional Documentation).
In addition, note the following special features of meta data in Brand Template Builder:
Validity and
Hide if not valid
If a validity date has been defined in the document properties, the Validity field is prefilled with this date and the Hide if not valid checkbox is activated.
Save data of form without publishing
If you activate the Save data of form without publishing checkbox, the data for the document is saved. However, the document is not published in the Media Pool. This procedure may be required, for instance, if you are editing the copy of a document that is already published in the Media Pool but do not want to publish the copy.
In this dialog box, you only prepare for the publication in the Media Pool module. The document is not published in the Media Pool module until you have finished the document in step 4 of the customizing wizard.