Finalize INDD and HTML documents
To do this, click the last step in the Customizing Wizard. For INDD documents this is step 6, for HTML documents it is step 4. After finalizing, the document can no longer be changed.
If applicable, the template is set up in such a way that you have to request a release in order to finalize the document. When a release is requested, the document is reviewed by at least one or possibly more users in the system. The reviewers can release or reject the document.

If you have not yet assigned a title for the document, the Edit Document Properties dialog box opens first. Enter the following data:
Document name
Optional and if used in your system: Affiliate
Click Save to confirm the entries and close the dialog box.
The document is then opened in the document editor. You can switch between the individual pages of the document or zoom in on the page view to check the edited content elements. Now it is also checked whether you have completed all the necessary steps in the Customizing Wizard or whether all the required information, such as a delivery address, is available. In the right pane, a note informs you about the successfully completed check.

If you do not need to request approval, the Finalize button will be displayed directly. Check the document and then click Finalize. Then the document editor is closed and the start page of Brand Template Builder is opened. If necessary, the document will be printed according to your settings or published in the Media Pool module. You can access the finalized document under > Manager > Documents in the Finalized (only own documents) section .

If you need to request an approval to finalize the document, the Request approval button will appear in the Document Editor. Review the document and enter a comment for the approver(s) if needed. Select the approvers from the drop-down lists for each workflow step. Click Select other organizational unit to be able to select approvers from another department, for example.
The approval steps to go through are determined by your system administrator and the designer.
Then click Request approval. Subsequently, the approvers are informed about their tasks. Click > Manager > Approvals > Documents in the navigation bar to find out about your approvals. Expected approvals, received approvals and not received approvals are listed. If you can give approvals yourself, current approval requests are listed, as well as those you have approved and rejected. If the designer has enabled this in the template, the approver and requestor can discuss with each other during the approval process. In this case, you can reach the function > > Add comments in the requests.
When the document is approved, you can reach the finalized document under > Manager > Documents in the Finalized (only own documents) section.