Displaying Boxes in the Document
The template designer can allow you to transform boxes. In this section, you can learn which transformations you can use.

At most, the template designer can make the Move, Scale, and Rotate functions available to you. In some circumstances, only one or two transformations are enabled for you. If so, the areas that are disabled are grayed out in the Transform Box ... dialog box and cannot be edited.

First select whether you want to move the box relative to the original position or to a new absolute position. Depending on your choice, the X and Y fields are interpreted as follows:
Relative shift: The values are understood as a shift around the value along the respective axis. Positive values shift the value to the right (X-axis) or down (Y-axis), negative values to the left (X-axis) or up (Y-axis).
Shift to an absolute position:
X: horizontal distance from the top left corner of the document
Y: vertical distance from the top left corner of the document

During scaling, you change the dimensions of the box. The template designer presets a scaling range for you. Set the cursor on the icon to see the range in which you can change the box size. Enter suitable values in the required format fields (width x height). If you enter invalid values, the boxes are highlighted in red.

When you use the rotation transformation, the box is rotated counter-clockwise around its center point. If you enter the angle 45° for a text box that has not been rotated previously, the text then runs in a 45° angle toward the top right corner. Set the cursor on the icon to see the permitted rotation angles.
The angle that is entered is the absolute value. If a box in the template is already rotated by 5°, for example, and you set the angle to 10° during customizing, then the box is rotated by 10° in total.

Please note that the display of boxes may also change based on the content. For example, the height of a text box - and also the height of the document if configured accordingly - can be adapted to the entered text character count. Image boxes can also be adapted to the size of the image - or the image can be fitted into the box. These changes are determined by the template designer. If you have any questions, please contact the responsible template designer.

If necessary - and if this function is available in your system - you start a discussion with colleagues in the next step (see Collaboration with Colleagues). Alternatively, you can prepare to publish the document (see Preparing for Distribution).