Data Object
In the last step, you specify the data object that you want to display in the grid.
If you select the data object on the Data Objects tab, no selectable objects are initially displayed on the tab when it is first called up. The reason for this is that a grid is not selected yet. You therefore click the context menu for a grid. The data objects that you can select for this grid are then displayed.

You may want to check how a data object is used in other documents. If you have assigned a data object, click the object handle context menu and choose Previous usage.
A dialog box opens displaying the documents in which you have already used the data object. The document ID, the document name, the affiliate, and the creation date are displayed.
If you set the cursor on one of the lines, a preview of the data object usage in the document in question is displayed. You may want to reuse the data from a different document in the one you are currently editing, for example, because the teaser text fits better in the new document. In this case, see the section Reuse Data Object Information.
Click Cancel to discard your selection and to close the dialog box.

In the next step, you edit the Texts and Images.