Creating a Dynamic Grid

Prerequisites: ClosedYou are in the document editor and have opened a document in which you can create dynamic grids. If necessary, you have changed the document grid (see Changing a Document Grid)

  1. Choose the page on which you want to add the dynamic grid.

  2. Go to the Layout tab.

  3. The page is displayed with the document grid.

  4. If the document grid is not displayed, choose > More Actions > Settings > Show Document Grid.

  5. Position the cursor at the point on the page where you want the top left corner of the dynamic grid to be.

  6. Click and hold the left mouse button. Hold the mouse button and drag the cursor toward where you intend the bottom right corner of your dynamic grid to be.

  7. A red rectangle appears in the document grid:

  8. Drag the rectangle to the required size by clicking and holding the mouse.

  9. As soon as the system determines that the new size is large enough to fit an existing Smart Group, the rectangle turns green:

    Note: to add a layout to a dynamic grid, the layout must fit fully into the grid when it is added in the top left corner.

  10. Release the mouse button.

  11. The Create... dialog box is displayed:

  12. Choose Dynamic Smart Grid.

The dynamic grid is created:

The Layout tab displays suggestions for matching Smart Groups.