You use product data by adding Smart Groups as layouts. Smart Groups are templates that are linked with product data and that determine how it is placed in the document. If you want to add Smart Groups, the document must contain grids that are available as placeholders. Either the template designer creates static grids in the template or you create dynamic grids in the document.
Dynamic grids can only be used with templates created with a version 7.3 or older. Only static grids can be used with younger templates.

Go to a page on which the Categories, Layout, and Products tabs are displayed. Go to the Layout tab.
Static grids are available: the page displays boxes with a gray X. These boxes are static grids. In addition, the Layout tab directly displays suggestions for suitable Smart Groups that you can add:
You must create dynamic grids: the page displays the red document grid, either on the whole page or part of it. You need the document grid to create dynamic grids. In addition, the Layout tab does not display any suggestions for suitable Smart Groups that you can add:
In this case, go directly to the step Categories.
Here, you create the dynamic grids first before you go to the step Categories.
Note that with multi-page documents, the template designer may have locked pages to prevent the creation of dynamic grids. In this case, you can see the Layout tab with the orange X but cannot see the document grid.

To add a dynamic grid to your document, you need the document grid. You can change the default display of the grid (see Changing a Document Grid). Note that the template designer specifies the area in which you can change the document grid. You can switch the document grid on or off in the document editor under > More Actions > Settings > Show Document Grid.
You then use the document grid to create the dynamic grid (see Creating a Dynamic Grid). The document editor interface assists you in doing so. Note that you can also create dynamic image boxes in this way. You can use dynamic image boxes to add additional images.
If the document grid is restricted to one area of the page, the template designer can configure customizations with transformations, frame options, or size changes for the area in the same way as for a box. The added dynamic grids change according to their position but their size remains the same. If the insertion area is made so small that a dynamic grid can no longer fully fit within it, the grid is removed. A corresponding warning is displayed for you when adding a Smart Group to the dynamic grid.

You can now continue with the assignment of Categories.