You can download the document and open it or save it locally. You can download documents with the status In Progress and finalized documents.

When downloading INDD documents, you can select the output format and – if configured accordingly – choose the page order in the advert as individual pages or printed sheets. The output formats that are available depend on the settings in the template. If you select the output format Original format (Adobe InDesign), you can also decide whether the images are also downloaded. If you activate the With images checkbox, a ZIP file containing the INDD file and all linked images is downloaded.
When downloading an INDD document with the status In Progress, note that only low-resolution output formats can be selected. This is a safeguard to ensure that only finalized documents can be printed.
Online documents are downloaded as a ZIP file. The ZIP file contains a directory for each format created in the template. In this directory, the document is saved in the output format as an image file. The designer specifies in the template which output formats are possible.
HTML documents are downloaded as a ZIP file.

Search for the document that you want to download. See Documents.
Under > Brand Template Builder > Documents: > ⋮ > Download.
Under > Brand Template Builder > Manager: >
. This action is available only for INDD and HTML documents.
Choose the output format and the page order. For the output format Original format, decide whether the linked images are also downloaded.
Click Download.
INDD documents: the Download dialog box is displayed.
The document is downloaded. Your browser may display a dialog box in which you specify whether you want to save or open the document.