Brand Template Builder helps you to share documents at various points:
Download: you can download the document and open it or save it locally.
Sending a Document as an E-Mail: you send the document either as an attachment or using a download link. This action is available only for INDD and HTML documents.
Reprinting: you can reproduce a print document (that is, have it printed). This action is available only for INDD and HTML documents.
Publication in the Media Pool: if you publish a document in the Media Pool, all Media Pool module users with the appropriate access permissions can access the document. This action is available only for INDD and HTML documents.
Publication in the Marketing Planner: here, you link the document with a planning element in the Marketing Planner module. Marketing Planner users see the document as an attachment to a planning element. A planning element may represent a campaign or a channel, for example. This action is available only for INDD and HTML documents.