
You can access the dashboard via the entry of the same name in the main navigation in the Jobs module. The dashboard provides you with an overview of your tasks to be completed. Just like in the job overview, you can open jobs for editing by double-clicking on the name. The content mainly consists of the following six relevant areas:

  • My Active jobs (ToDos): This area lists all the jobs that you must actively process and to which you are assigned as an assignee.

  • My other jobs: This list shows all jobs that you are involved in as a participant. A single job is only displayed in one of the two views – My Active jobs (ToDos) and tasks or My other jobs – at a time.

  • Available Jobs (PickList): Jobs are listed here to which no assignees are currently assigned. When you accept a job, a dialog box opens in which you can assign the job either to yourself or to a member of your group. The job will then be displayed to the selected member under My Active jobs (ToDos). The Picklist option in the standard filters is comparable to this, but has the advantage that it is always available in the job overview.

  • (Nicht definierte Variable:ScreenCommands.jm.dashboard.panel.my_availaible_tasks.title): This has currently no function and will return at a later stage of development.

  • Jobs delegated to me: This area displays jobs for which you are the registered substitute of the absent assignee. In these jobs, you take over the tasks for the delegating user that result from the role as assignee of a job. You receive the permissions of the delegating user for this purpose.

  • Quick actions: The user can use the quick actions to create jobs of a specific type directly, provided this type has been configured accordingly. Press the Campaign button to quickly create a frequently needed job based on a campaign template that has been defined accordingly by the administrator.

  • Updates: This area lists all the notifications and discussion points for the jobs that are relevant to the user. Changes to reviews that were started in the job are also displayed here.


Please note that this seventh dashlet is not visible if there are no delegated jobs.