Data Sheet
The data sheet is the core of your work in the Jobs module. Here you enter data, add assets, and forward the job to the next assignee. All of the information about a job is collected and mapped on a data sheet. The wealth of information can be displayed so that it is clearly organized by topics on various tabs.
The data sheet contains, among other things:
The users who are involved/participating in the job
The current status (the current workflow step or the status, e.g. deleted, finished, or active)
The creator and the current assignee
The predefined project workflow for the job
The relevant information for the job.
To open the data sheet, double-click on the job name in the overview or in the dashboard. The data sheet is displayed full screen and can be closed using the close field in the top right-hand corner.
The appearance and layout of the data sheet are tailored to the specific needs of the customer. Among other things, the appearance is determined by the number of tabs created, their names, and the field functions that are used on them. The tabs Basic Data, Comments, Participants, Workflow, and History are created automatically. The User can change the names of these tabs, but cannot remove them. Individual tabs and fields can also be hidden by the administrator for certain user groups by changing the visibility settings under the configuration of access rights in the data sheet.
There are various functions in the upper area:
Above the data sheet, you can see which workflow step the job is currently in. In the example below, it is already the last step (Complete).
Forward job: This forwards the job to the next workflow step. See Forwarding a Job.
… menu: You can access functions such as Pass back, Clone, Link, Delete, , , and Link Planning Element.
Displays the current Workflow-Status
Below that, you can access the various tabs. If the icon is displayed on a tab for a variable and you click on it, a help text is displayed as a tooltip.
The default tabs Job Discussion and Details are in the right-hand area of the data sheet. The comments of the main job discussion are displayed under Job Discussion. You can add a new comment or open a thread to an existing comment by clicking on Reply. The main job discussion can also be found under the tab Comments. On this tab, you can also add an asset and open additional discussions and add discussion participants.
The basic data of the job is displayed on the Details tab. If there is a variable is available on the data sheet for asset selection and you click on it, the tab displays detailed information about the asset and ‒ if a review was created for the asset ‒ the details of the review. You can also find detailed review details in this tab, such as review started, approved, rejected, new version requested or new version uploaded.
If you see a (-) before the name of a line title, you can click on it and the corresponding area of the data sheet will be collapsed. This gives you a better overview of large data sheets. Conversely, you can expand collapsed lines of the data sheet by clicking on the (+) before the name. This option must be set up by the administrator when the data sheet is set up, otherwise it will not be available to users.
You close the data sheet and return to the overview by clicking on the close field ✖ in the upper right-hand corner.