Adding Participants

Ron has created a new job in the system based on the type Advertising Material Production and has entered all the relevant information for the design of the brochure. Now he wants to add two team members as participants so that they can access the job at any time using the standard filter Jobs I Participate In. One participant is a PR manager who is to approve the advertising material, and the other is the account manager who communicates with the customer. Both of them are only supposed to make comments and do not provide any content for the data sheet. They also do not have to complete any workflow steps and are therefore to be understood as guests in their participant role.

  1. Open the job data sheet.

  2. Switch to the Participants tab.

  3. Use the search field to search for a user. To do this, enter the first three letters of the name.

  4. Select the desired user from the list of suggestions.

    The user is displayed in the tabular overview of participants.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional user that you want to add or remove.

The will be notified and will receive an e-mail with the subject Job: Added as participant. The new participant can access the job by clicking on the link in the e-mail.