With an @-mention in the comment, Ron as the responsible person can invite a user as a participant or directly address an existing participant. The @-mention is a quick way to invite colleagues to a discussion without having to go through the Participant tab. An @-mention includes @username anywhere in the post. Ron can mention a user in a post or comment with the @ symbol to address them directly or invite them as a participant.
The users you see in the drop-down list depend on your user role in the Jobs module:
If your role does not have the permission to invite other users as participants to the job, you will only be shown users who are already participants in the job.
If your role has the permission, users who are not yet participants in the job will also be displayed.
If you add them, these users will become participants.
These are the steps for creating an @-mention:
Type @ in the comment field.
A list of authorized users is automatically displayed.
Type the first characters of the name.
Navigate to the required entry in the user list using the arrow keys ↑ and ↓ on the keyboard.
Press ⏎ to accept the selected user.
A confirmation dialog box opens if the user is not a participant in the current job.
Click on YES to grant the user access and add that user as a participant to the job.
A list of matching users is displayed.
The mentioned and thus invited participants will appear in the Participants tab and will be notified via system notification and/or e-mail, and will be able to open and respond to the job data sheet in the Comments tab in the message using the View Discussion button.