Asset Selector
Ron is responsible for coordinating many jobs related to the creation of advertising materials. To make his job easier, he uses the Asset Selector when setting up job data sheets.
Files that are needed for a project can be managed in the form of assets. Assets can have different formats, such as images, documents, audio files, or videos. Ron and other people involved can add all relevant files belonging to a project to a job as assets for sharing, editing, or review. This simplifies communication, collaboration, and quality assurance between those involved in a project.
Case example
Ron has organized a photo shoot for a new campaign. He uploads a selection of images that he has coordinated with the photo editor. These images are assets that belong to the job.
Ron’s next workflow step is to hire a graphic designer from the creative team to design the brochure for the campaign. The graphic designer uses the image assets from the job for the layout of the brochure. He adds his design to the job as a PDF using the Asset Selector on the data sheet.
Ron starts a review and invited review participants are informed about it by the system and can view the PDF, comment on it, and also reject or approve it using the Reviewer role.