Selecting an Existing Asset

  1. Open the job data sheet and switch to the tab with the Image.

  2. At the Add Asset button on the data sheet, click on ⏷ menu Select asset.

  3. This opens the asset search in the Media Pool.

  1. Search for an existing asset in the Media Pool: Enter your search terms and press .
    For information about searching in the Media Pool, please see the Media Pool User Help 8.0.

  1. In the search results, activate the checkbox for the asset that you want to select in the bottom right corner of the asset tile by clicking on the circled plus sign.

    The checkbox will be highlighted in the selection color if you have activated the asset.

    Note: You can select multiple assets at once and place them on the data sheet.

  1. Click on Apply.

    The search window closes and the selection made is placed on the data sheet. The assets appear as tiles on the data sheet.

  1. In the upper area of the data sheet, click on Save to save your changes to the data sheet.

    The data sheet remains open for further processing.

  1. In the upper area of the data sheet, click on the close field ×.

You have placed the selected asset(s) on the data sheet. The data sheet displays the assets as tiles.