Create Review
When you create a review, you select the asset to review. You can attach files to adequately prepared jobs within a controlled workflow. Prerequisite: an administrator has prepared the job type accordingly for later reviews. For this purpose, a variable of the Asset Selector type must be provided on the datasheet of the type. For that purpose, the user also needs the Manage Reviews permission in the module Job Manager. Only then users can see the Start Review entry in the ⋮ asset menu in the Job Manager.

You need to have a Job type ready with the Asset selector variable placed in the datasheet. Create and open a job prepared for reviews in the Job Manager via >Jobs > My Active Jobs (ToDos). If the job does not yet contain any assets to be reviewed, continue with step 2. Otherwise, skip directly to step 7.
Create and open a job prepared for reviews in the Job Manager via >Jobs > My active jobs (ToDos). If the job does not yet contain any assets to be checked for a review, continue with step 2. Otherwise, go directly to step 7.
In the datasheet, locate the Add Asset pop-up menu. Open the menu by clicking on the triangular arrow.
These options are available in the menu:
Upload new assets
Add from own collection
Select asset
Select the option Upload new assets.
The file upload window opens.
Click Browse and add one or more files from a local disk.
Click Start, to proceed with the upload.
After the files are successfully uploaded, they appear as thumbnails on the datasheet. -
Save the changes in the datasheet.
To start the review, select Start Review from the ⋮ menu on the asset.
The review editor opens.
Go to the tab General.
Click Edit in the section Review information.
If necessary, edit the name of the review in the Review name field.
In the Due Datefield, specify the date on which the review should be completed.
Enter the information that the reviewers need for the review in the Briefing field.
In the Review information section, click the Save button.
The fields in this area switch to edit mode.
You have created the review.
The asset is stored in Media Pool in the Own DSE pictures collection. The asset is not available for other users via Media Pool search.
You are the owner of the review and therefore responsible for the invitation of participants, the process and the final editing.

In the next step you add participants, see Invite Participants.