First Steps
Jobs is the module for order, project and workflow management that allows you to map and control workflows, in an efficient and comprehensible way. A marketing campaign in large companies requires the collaboration of different teams and roles that follow a well-defined and purposeful workflow.
You can use the Jobs module to map the campaign as a job, for example. By defining specific workflows, you can create project templates and use them to map the individual phases and the schedule. All information required for the campaign, such as quotations, responsibilities, concepts, or layouts, can be stored and managed directly in the job.
This way, each process flow can be modeled in a need-based and detailed way.

It may happen that you cannot access functions or areas described in this manual. This may be because your user role does not have appropriate permissions, or because these functions are not used in your marketing department.
If you have any additional questions, please contact your administrator.

You have different permissions and access levels depending on your user role. Most of the illustrations in this manual are shown from the point of view of a user for whom almost all permissions are enabled in the user role for the Jobs module.
Job overview when all permissions are assigned:
This user role has all the functions of an administrator or power user. -
The same view, with highly restricted access:
This user role can only edit and forward existing jobs, but cannot create new ones.
Which tabs and fields are visible or editable depends on the role you are assigned. If you as a user have only a limited range of available functions, this is generally the situation desired by your organization, so you can fully concentrate on your role, activity, and tasks in the Jobs module.
It is common practice that, as a person moves up in the organization, more administrative tasks are taken on with the new area of responsibility. If you have any questions about your user role, please contact your administrator.
Some steps and functions described in this manual require advanced permissions in your user role for the Jobs module.

If you have never worked with the Jobs module before, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the following topics to get started:

If you have already worked with the Jobs module, you will find useful information under New and changed functions.

The Jobs module allows you to access data from other modules of the system and the processing results from the Jobs module can be made available there:
You can start a review for a stored asset. This allows you to make coordination processes transparent. You can select an asset from the Media Pool and add it to the job.
In the Plan & Spend part of Uptempo , you have the option of connecting and synchronize marketing activities with jobs. Refer also to the interfaces in General information.