Job Overview

When you call up the Jobs module, the job overview is opened as the start page.

The figure above shows the job overview for a user who is allowed to see all jobs.

It is possible to display jobs as a table, a Gantt chart or a Kanban board. When you call up the Jobs module, you always see the tabular overview first, even if you prefer Gantt or Kanban.  The overview shows all jobs that you can edit. You can filter, search, and view jobs according to different criteria. You can configure the columns individually to display important information such as job status, due date, total delay or assignee. Jobs whose current workflow step is overdue are displayed in red font in the list of jobs.

When you call the module for the first time, your active jobs are displayed by default. You can also display the result of another filter instead. Please also note My Filters.

For a detailed description of the different views, see Display Formats in the Job Overview.

If you happen to be on one of the following subpages in the Jobs module: Dashboard or Exports, click on Search in the module navigation to return to the job overview. See Navigation in the Module