Editing a Job

Ron has finished the initial step and forwarded the job to Elena. Elena receives a notification via e-mail and in the application. She thereby finds out that she is the next assignee for the job. To complete the job, she completes a sequence of activities. The activities and tasks are described in this chapter:

  • Elena sorts by criteria such as name, status, due date, or priority. This helps her find the job faster. She also applies filters to list which jobs she currently has to complete. See Searching Jobs and Filtering Results.

  • She opens the job by clicking on the job name or the Edit button. She thereby opens the data sheet, in which she can find all the important information about the job, such as the customer, requirements, attachments, or comments. See Opening a Job.

  • Elena edits the content of the data sheet by clicking on the available tabs, fields, and buttons. She then enters the relevant data or edits existing entries. If necessary, images or documents can be attached to the job. See Editing a Data Sheet.

  • Elena communicates with her colleagues by adding comments to the job or answering questions. She can ask questions or give feedback. She can see who else is involved in the job or who has already worked on it. See Interacting With Colleagues.

  • When she completes the workflow step, Elena forwards the job. In so doing, she hands it over to another colleague or a supervisor. She returns it if she received it by mistake or if she is unable to process it. See Forward or return?.