Editing a Data Sheet
The data sheet is the heart of a job. The data sheet is where the job is edited. For an introduction, see Data Sheet
Elena is an experienced agency employee who has worked on many jobs. She knows that she always has to read the instructions left for her by the previous assignee first. She can find them in the e-mail that she automatically received when the job was forwarded or in the associated system notification. There it says what she has to do in the current workflow step on the data sheet and what special considerations there are. An important source of information is the description text in the Briefing tab on the data sheet, which was entered by Ron upon creation of the job. A third possible point of orientation is the name of the workflow step and the current progress of the job. If this is Review, for example, she knows that she needs to review the assets in the data sheet, while if it is the much later step Publishing, she knows that her job is to publish an approved asset to the output channels defined for the campaign.
To edit the data sheet, Elena must open the job in the job overview or dashboard. See Opening a Job. The appearance of the data sheet may vary depending on the job type, as Elena’s organization has created different templates for different campaigns and projects. The data sheet contains all the important information and field variables for that job. She can then modify or add to the data sheet fields that have been approved for editing, such as the job’s start and end dates, the assets to be used for the campaign, or the texts to write or review. See Asset Selector. She can also fill in tables with numbers or other values. When she is finished, she must save the data sheet and forward it to the next assignee. When doing this, she can also store descriptive texts or work instructions for the subsequent assignee.
As soon as she makes changes to the data sheet, Elena is notified of the following directly above the data sheet:
Before she can forward the job, she must save her changes. If she decides otherwise, Elena can undo the changes with the same button.